
CrossCoder for Medical/Diagnosis Codes 2025 Professional – USB Thumb Drive



Lookup CPT Procedure Codes and find ICD-10 Diagnosis Links (Crosswalks) in Seconds!

CrossCoder allows searches (CPT Codes to ICD Codes) and reverse searches (ICD Codes to CPT Codes) for over 16,000 CPT/HCPCS codes including J Codes & anesthesia and over 94,000 ICD10 diagnosis codes including accident and injury codes.

Medicare and many private payers use CPT/ICD Code links to audit your coding – why not use a tool that may have the same links they have and lower your audit exposure!

CrossCoder is being used by providers, administrators, private payers, managed care, HMO/PPO/TPAs, billing services and health care consultants.

The CrossCoder has two versions: Standard ($299) and Professional ($1099). The Professional Version provides users with full exporting privileges.

Win 7/8/10/11 USB flash drive or Email Download.

All sales on the CrossCoder Professional Version are final.

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